
Type Planet
System Utopia
Cluster Exodus Cluster

Zion is a Planet in Mass Effect. Zion is located in the Utopia system within the Exodus Cluster. Planets can be explored while you traverse the galaxy, sometimes you can land on them and other times you only can survey them from the Normandy to obtain resources.


Zion Information

Zion is a hydrogen-helium gas giant even larger than Jupiter. Despite its deep gravity well and lethal radiation, it supports a small helium-3 mining industry. The reason is simple: as the only gas giant in the Utopia system, it is the only local source for fuel for Eden Prime's power stations and spaceports.

Zion has 112 satellites, ranging from orbiting asteroids to the moon of Asphodel, which is large enough to retain a thick atmosphere.

Orbital Period: 151.3 Earth Years
Radius: 6077 km
Day Length: 57.8 Earth Hours
Atmospheric Pressure: 0.18 Earth Atmospheres
Surface Temperature: -168 Celsius
Surface Gravity: 0.8 G

Zion Missions and Assignments



Zion Notes and Tips

  •  Notes and tips go here
Asteroids, Moons, Planets and Space Stations in Mass Effect
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