
Type Planet
System Acheron
Cluster Styx Theta

Altahe is a Planet in Mass Effect. Altahe is located in the Acheron system within the Styx Theta cluster. Planets can be explored while you traverse the galaxy, sometimes you can land on them and other times you only can survey them from the Normandy to obtain resources.


Altahe Information

Altahe is an exceptional form of planet called a Roche World. Put simply, it is one half of a pair of small and unusually dense terrestrial worlds (Altahe and Ontahe) that orbit each other so closely, they effectively share a single atmosphere. That does not mean one could fly from one to the other, but both have identical atmospheres and dust from one often can be found on the other.

Both worlds share an atmosphere of nitrogen and ethane. The surface is warm, and mainly composed of silica dust and dark basaltic rocks, with extensive deposits of heavy metals and radioactives. Tidal effects from Ontahe create constant heavy wind.

Orbital Period: 0.8 Earth Years
Radius: 4,404 km
Day Length: 53.8 Earth Hours
Atmospheric Pressure: 0.98 Earth Atmospheres
Surface Temperature: 36 Celsius
Surface Gravity: 1.1 G

Altahe Assignments

UNC: Listening Post Theta

UNC: Asari Writings

  • x1 Matriarch's Writings

UNC: Valuable Minerals

  • x1 Heavy Metal (Gold)
  • x1 Rare Element (Samarium)


Altahe Notes and Tips

  •  Notes and tips go here
Asteroids, Moons, Planets and Space Stations in Mass Effect
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