
Type Planet
System Amazon
Cluster Voyager Cluster

Derneuca is a Planet in Mass Effect. Derneuca is located in the Amazon system within the Voyager Cluster. Planets can be explored while you traverse the galaxy, sometimes you can land on them and other times you only can survey them from the Normandy to obtain resources.


Derneuca Information

Derneuca is an enormous terrestrial world, nearly twice the size of Earth. Its environment is similar to that of Mars; arid, and a mix of craggy basalt highlands and sand-scoured deserts of iron-laced silcate dust.

Derneuca's atmosphere mainly consists of carbon dioxide and argon, but the planet's mass is great enough that measurable amounts of helium, and even molecular hydrogen, remain trapped in its atmosphere.

The planet's gravity well is deep enough that it has collected nearly a dozen small satellites, most captured asteroids. Its surfaced is scarred by many large craters, marking the final resting place of other captured asteroids.

Orbital Period: 3.1 Earth Years
Radius: 11,728 km
Day Length: 65.5 Earth Hours
Atmospheric Pressure: 1.93Earth Atmospheres
Surface Temperature: -60 Celsius
Surface Gravity: 1.8 G

Derneuca Missions and Assignments



Derneuca Notes and Tips

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Asteroids, Moons, Planets and Space Stations in Mass Effect
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