Pinnacle Station

Type Space Station
System Phoenix
Cluster Argos Rho

Pinnacle Station is a Space Station in Mass Effect. Pinnacle Station is located in the Phoenix system within the Argos Rho cluster. Planets can be explored while you traverse the galaxy, sometimes you can land on them and other times you only can survey them from the Normandy to obtain resources.


Pinnacle Station Information

The asteroid-based Pinnacle Station was originally constructed by the Turians to function as a concealed command center during the Krogan Rebellions. It has been retrofitted as a military training facility for all-high level special operations teams employed by the council. The station's combat simulator allows teams to train under a variety of hazardous conditions.

Population: 1200
Radius: 340 m

Pinnacle Station Assignments

Pinnacle Station: Combat Missions

Pinnacle Station: Vidinos


Pinnacle Station Notes and Tips

  •  Notes and tips go here
Asteroids, Moons, Planets and Space Stations in Mass Effect
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