
Type Planet
System Sparta
Cluster Artemis Tau

Alsages is a Planet in Mass Effect. Alsages is located in the Sparta system within the Artemis Tau cluster. Planets can be explored while you traverse the galaxy, sometimes you can land on them and other times you only can survey them from the Normandy to obtain resources.


Alsages Information

Small, distant Alsages is a small terrestrial, with a trace atmosphere of methane and argon. The surface is composed of water ice and calcium with occasional deposits of light metals.

During the Alliance's pirate suppression campaign in the 2160's, the batarian Eluam Ran'perah was caught with his frigate Tunerron grounded on Alsages for drive discharge. When challenged by the cruiser Hyderabad, Ran'perah refused to surrender. The Tunerron was destroyed attempting to take off. The debris is strewn across the southern hemisphere.

Orbital Period: 73.8 Earth Years
Radius: 4926 km
Day Length: 23.3 Earth Hours
Atmospheric Pressure: 0.00 Earth Atmospheres
Surface Temperature: -193 Celsius
Surface Gravity: 0.7 G

Alsages Assignments

UNC: Valuable Minerals

  • x1 Rare Element (Plutonium)


Alsages Notes and Tips

  •  Notes and tips go here
Asteroids, Moons, Planets and Space Stations in Mass Effect
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