
Type Combat/Tech
Specialization Class Commando 

Infiltrator is a Class in Mass Effect. Infiltrators combine combat and tech abilities to specialize in killing or disabling enemies at long range. Classes are pre-made character roles with their own particularities and pre-set talents. Players can change these values during Character Creation to fit their own playsyle.


Infiltrator Information

Infiltrators combine combat and tech abilities to specialize in killing or disabling enemies at long range. Infiltrators are trained to use Omni-tools, focusing on decryption and offensive abilities rather than healing. They can use pistols or sniper rifles and Medium armor

Gameplay focus is on unlocking alternate routes, gaining access to good equipment, and obtaining an advantageous position over enemies in combat.


Infiltrator Class Talent

Each class has its own specific Talents, that can be upgrade until level 6 by spending Talent points. The Infiltrator class talent increases ability with Pistols and Sniper Rifles, and the explosion damage of tech mines.

Talent Lvl
Level 1 Reduces heat buildup on Pistols and Sniper Rifles by 5%. Increases the tech proximity mine explosion damage of Sabotage, Overload, and Damping by 5%.
Level 2 Reduces heat buildup on Pistols and Sniper Rifles by 6%. Increases tech explosion damage by 7%.
Level 3 Reduces heat buildup on Pistols and Sniper Rifles by 7%. Increases tech explosion damage by 9%.
Level 4 Reduces heat buildup on Pistols and Sniper Rifles by 8%. Increases tech explosion damage by 11%.
Level 5 Reduces heat buildup on Pistols and Sniper Rifles by 9%. Increases tech explosion damage by 13%.
Level 6 Reduces heat buildup on Pistols and Sniper Rifles by 10%. Increases tech explosion damage by 15%.


Infiltrator Talents

Every class has its own starting talents that can be leveling up by spending Talent Points.

Unlocked by
Pistols Improves accuracy and damage when wielding pistols. Activates the Marksman ability that lets you fire more quickly and accurately for a short time. Starting class Talent
Tactical Armor Improves the amount of damage your armor can absorb and may allow you to equip heavier armor, depending on your class. Activates the Shield Boost ability that restores your shields in combat. Starting class Talent
Electronics Increases shield strength and lets you bypass the security systems of some locked objects. It also activates use of Overload, which damages or disables enemy shields in combat Starting class Talent
Decryption Lets you spend omni-gel to override security systems to open doors or containers. Ultimately, it activates Sabotage, which quickly disables enemy weapons in combat. Starting class Talent
Sniper Rifles Improves accuracy and damage when wielding sniper rifles. Activates the Assassination ability that increases the damage of your next sniper shot. Unlocked at Pistols 5
Fitness Boosts your health, upping the maximum damage you can take before dying. Activates the Immunity ability that increases your damage protection for a short period of time. Unlocked at Tactical Armor 6
Damping Increases the explosion radius of your tech mines. It activates the Damping Field, which suppresses enemies’ tech and biotic abilities in combat. Unlocked at Electronics 4
First Aids Increases squad healing by improving the effectiveness of all Medi-Gel use.  Unlocked at Decryption 7


Infiltrator Specialization Class

After completing an optional Systems Alliance Military assignment (UNC: Rogue VI), you'll need to select a specialization for your character, increasing the maximum Talent points you can spend on class-specific talents. The following Specialization Classes are available for Infiltrator:

 In Mass Effect players can choose between six types of specializations, two of which are available based on your initial class choice. Selecting a specialization offers access to a new trait that add ranks 7-12 to your class specific talent; ranks 1-6 remain unchanged. The Specialization Class you select will remain unchanged for the rest of your playthrough, which includes New Game +, so make sure to think thoroughly before proceeding with your Specialization Class selection.


Infiltrator Notes & Tips

  • Certain talents are inherent to each particular class.
  • Other notes, tips, and trivia go here.


Mass Effect Classes
Adept  ♦  Asari Scientist  ♦  Engineer  ♦  Krogan Battlemaster  ♦  Quarian Machinist  ♦  Sentinel  ♦  Soldier  ♦  Turian Agent  ♦  Vanguard


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