
vanguard class mass effect wiki guide 300px
Type Biotic/Combat
Specialization Class Shock Trooper

Vanguard is a Class in Mass Effect. Vanguards are Biotic warriors.  Classes are pre-made character roles with their own particularities and pre-set talents. Players can change these values during Character Creation to fit their own playsyle.


Vanguard Information

Vanguards are biotic warriors. They combine Biotics and Weapons to take down opponents, and are especially deadly at short range. They use Pistols and Shotguns, and can specialize in Medium Armor

Gameplay focus is on taking down enemies with quick and brutal force. 


Vanguard Class Talent

Each class has its own specific Talents, that can be upgrade until level 6 by spending Talent points. The Vanguard class talent increases ability with Pistols and Shotguns, and protection from Biotics.

Talent Lvl
Level 1 Increases biotic protection by 6% Increases Pistol and Shotgun damage by 5%
Level 2 Increases biotic protection by 9% Increases Pistol and Shotgun damage by 6%
Level 3 Increases biotic protection by 12% Increases Pistol and Shotgun damage by 7%
Level 4 Increases biotic protection by 15% Increases Pistol and Shotgun damage by 8%
Level 5 Increases biotic protection by 18% Increases Pistol and Shotgun damage by 9%
Level 6 Increases biotic protection by 21% Increases Pistol and Shotgun damage by 10%


Vanguard Talents

Every class has its own starting talents that can be leveling up by spending Talent Points.

Unlocked by
Pistols Improves accuracy and damage when wielding pistols. Activates the Marksman ability that lets you fire more quickly and accurately for a short time. Starting class Talent
Assault Training Increases melee and weapons damage. Activates the Adrenaline Burst ability that resets the cooldown times on all your talents so that they can be used immediately. Starting class Talent
Throw Generates a biotic field that throws objects within range. Starting class Talent
Warp Generates a biotic field that slowly tears apart any object it hits, doing damage and temporarily reducing armor effectiveness. Starting class Talent
Shotguns Improves accuracy and damage when wielding shotguns. Activates the Carnage ability that lets you fire a huge blast from your shotgun that damages enemies. Unlocked at Pistols 6
Tactical Armor Improves the amount of damage your armor can absorb and may allow you to equip heavier armor, depending on your class. Activates the Shield Boost ability that restores your shields in combat. Unlocked at Assault Training 5
Lift Generates a biotic field that lifts objects into the air. Unlocked at Throw 7
Barrier Generates a biotic field that absorbs weapons fire. Unlocked at Warp 4


Vanguard Specialization Class

After completing an optional Systems Alliance Military assignment (UNC: Rogue VI), you'll need to select a specialization for your character, increasing the maximum Talent points you can spend on class-specific talents. The following Specialization Classes are available for Vanguard:

 In Mass Effect players can choose between six types of specializations, two of which are available based on your initial class choice. Selecting a specialization offers access to a new trait that add ranks 7-12 to your class specific talent; ranks 1-6 remain unchanged. The Specialization Class you select will remain unchanged for the rest of your playthrough, which includes New Game +, so make sure to think thoroughly before proceeding with your Specialization Class selection.


Vanguard Notes & Tips

  • Certain talents are inherent to each particular class.
  • Other notes, tips, and trivia go here.


Mass Effect Classes
Adept  ♦  Asari Scientist  ♦  Engineer  ♦  Infiltrator  ♦  Krogan Battlemaster  ♦  Quarian Machinist  ♦  Sentinel  ♦  Soldier  ♦  Turian Agent


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