
Talent Type Tech talents
Special Ability Overload AbilityOverload
Talent Effect Increases shield strength and lets you bypass the security systems of some locked objects.

Electronics is a Talent in Mass Effect. Electronics is a talent that belongs to Tech talents and is available to Engineer, InfiltratorQuarian Machinist and Sentinel Classes. Talents are the more general skill areas in which a character excels and a part of your Character’s build linked to your class. As you progress through the game, you will also be able to unlock specializations that give you added bonuses


Electronics Description

Increases shield strength and lets you bypass the security systems of some locked objects. It also activates use of Overload, which damages or disables enemy shields in combat.


Electronics is available for the following classes


Electronics Progression Rewards

1 Can use Electronics skill on easy objects. Damages the shield of enemies near the target, and reduces the effectiveness of ther armor plating. Overload is delivered as a proximity mine that explodes when enemies are nearby for bonus damage. Unlocks Overload ability.
2 Increases shield capacity by 30. Restores 400 extra hull during vehicle repair. -
3 Increases shield capacity by 60. Restores 600 extra hull during vehicle repair. -
4  Increases shield capacity by 90. Restores 800 extra hull during vehicle repair.  For Infiltrator, Quarian Machinist and Engineer classes Unlocks Damping Talent.
5 Can use Electronics skill on Medium secured objects. Further increases the effectiveness of all electronics parameters. Unlocks Advanced Overload Ability
6 Increases shield capacity by 120. Restores 1200 extra hull during vehicle repair. -
7 Increases shield capacity by 150. Restores 1400 extra hull during vehicle repair. -
8 Increases shield capacity by 180. Restores 1600 extra hull during vehicle repair.
9 Can use Electronics skill to override Hard secured objects. Further increases the effectiveness of all electronics parameters.  Unlocks Master Overload Ability. 
10 Increases shield capacity by 210. Restores 2000 extra hull during vehicle repair. -
11 Increases shield capacity by 240. Restores 2200 extra hull during vehicle repair.
12 Increases shield capacity by 270. Restores 2400 extra hull during vehicle repair.


Electronics Notes & Tips

  • Electronics and Decryption Talents are very important as they are the only ways to access certain minitasks.
  • Other note and tips goes here...


Mass Effect Talents
Assault Rifles Talent  ♦  Assault Training  ♦  Barrier  ♦  Basic Armor  ♦  Charm  ♦  Combat Armor  ♦  Damping  ♦  Decryption  ♦  First Aid  ♦  Fitness  ♦  Hacking  ♦  Intimidate  ♦  Lift  ♦  Medicine  ♦  Pistols Talent  ♦  Shotguns Talent  ♦  Singularity  ♦  Sniper Rifles Talent  ♦  Spectre Training  ♦  Stasis  ♦  Tactical Armor  ♦  Throw  ♦  Warp


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